Anne ortelee twitter. Expansion, encouragement, safety, and a pause to take a breath. Anne ortelee twitter

 Expansion, encouragement, safety, and a pause to take a breathAnne ortelee twitter  20°Pi51' D 05°Ta51' R“9:20pm EDT: Moon in Capricorn biquintile to Mercury in Gemini and trine Pallas Athena

Be honest and direct. Parse what you CAN and CANNOT control. Don't be too afraid. Good for you! 03°Cn21' D 03°Vi21' D. Physical adjustments and changes to the structures of our lives. Anne Ortelee. Earlier argument between the Moon and Ceres comes forward. You have an opportunity to build it just the way you want it now. 1:40am EDT: Mercury in Leo sextile Vesta in Gemini. . Disorienting changes, just when we thought we'd let our guard down! Your true home is within you, in your own heart. You can't do it all, but you can one thing. 27°Aq33' D 27°Pi33' D12:33am EDT: Venus square Uranus. Stress around partnerships. THIS IS BIG. 8:35am EDT: Moon in Taurus quintile Sun in Cancer. Your Personal Legend is speaking to you from within. You have a vision and you're sharing plans for how to bring it to fruition. 00°Le31' D 00°Vi31' D”A busy sky in the week ahead! Mars and Venus square Uranus making us take action! Or break up with things! Neptune stations and goes retrograde until December ~ dreams begun in March go through a. Conflict between the Moon and Jupiter about how we partner and why. What have you learned since he went into Aquarius in March? How do those lessons inform what you'll (re)build thru end of year?”Anne Ortelee @AnneOrtelee. Check your anger but don't stuff it. 11:56pm EDT: Moon in Taurus parallel Mars in Virgo. “1:29pm EDT: Moon in Pisces quincunx Mars in Leo. 17 Jul 2023 04:52:36“8:21am EDT: Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus. Revisit commitments from April, assess what parts of the story you'll bring forward when the. 4:59am EDT: Sun in Taurus forms a sextile Neptune in Pisces, just before the Moon in Taurus forms a sextile to out-of-bounds Venus in Cancer. Now it's Mars's time to pick a fight with the Goddess of Discord. Part 1 of a fast-moving Finger of God. Anne Ortelee's July 16, 2023 Weekly Weather Amazing changes this week with multiple planetary shifts!!An Out of Bounds New Moon and the Nodes shift into Aries/Libra for 18 months. ”See new Tweets. 00°Ar48' D 00°Ta48' R 00°Sc48' R”8:06pm EDT: Moon in Aquarius biquintile Pallas Athena in Cancer. Anne Ortelee, a nationally (NCGR-PAA Level 3, AMAFA, OPA) and internationally (ISAR) certified astrologer, presents her Cosmic Weekly Weather report. Get clear on whether they are doing what they're doing for profit, glory, or whatever. Success! We have. Collaboration, connection, community, and commitment! The conflict from around 6:00 this morning is resolved with satisfaction. “5:35pm EDT: Moon in Scorpio square Ceres out-of-bounds in Leo. Hard news. It’s a Gemini New Moon to Be Reckoned With. If you don't take charge of your own choices, who will?Anne Ortelee @AnneOrtelee. 3:22am EST: Out-of-bounds Mars in Gemini semisquare Eris in Aries. You're hatching from your cocoon and becoming a butterfly. “8:25pm EDT: Moon in Pisces quincunx Ceres in Libra and contraparallel Jupiter in Taurus. Potent energy around claiming a position, staking a claim, taking a stand. There is a safe harbor for you here. Now that you've leapt, you'll find that you float through the day . Opportunity for seeing what we never saw before. Stress and dissension. Heart-shaking news around the home and family. Old fears are resurfacing, but don't let them rain on your parade. Venus forms a HUGE fi. 29°Pi26' D 29°Cp26' R”Anne Ortelee @AnneOrtelee. Anne Ortelee @AnneOrtelee. The instinct is to isolate and leave, to slink away. “10:30pm EDT: Retrograde Mercury in Gemini semisquare Venus in Aries. If you're looking to make a connection, this is a good time. 22°Cp06' D 07°Pi06' D“4:59pm EDT: Moon in Pisces contraparallel Juno in Cancer. You've made room to welcome in a bold new strategy. . 11:51pm EDT: Moon in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries. This is the last aspect till evening. Frustrating choices and adjustments. Emotions flow to get your ready for the next 13 years! Feel the feeling and let it roll! 24°Pi27' D 24°Pi27' D 6:00 AM · Apr 27, 2022·Hootsuite Inc. Go out and dance or stay in and cuddle? Can you do both? Choices. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you. Does it delight you?“11:49am EDT: Moon in Leo trine Jupiter in Aries. Release, release, release. Moments of astounding clarity. 7h. Juicy, fertile, productive, POWERFUL energy. PLEASE REPORT them. 3:35am EDT: Moon in Aquarius contraparallel Uranus in Taurus and opposite Venus in Leo. 05°Ar12' D 29°Le12' D. Are you likely to look back. “12:07am EDT: Mercury in Gemini semisquare Eris in Aries. Big nesting energy. @AnneOrtelee. 12°Cn52' D 27°Le52' D2:31pm EDT: New Moon at 24 degrees, 56 minutes Cancer. “11:11pm EDT: Moon in Capricorn opposite Juno in Cancer. 11:22pm EDT: Pluto in Capricorn quincunx Juno in Gemini. Opportunity to receive new information that illuminates your strategy. Wherever you go, there you are . Rev your engines! The new phase is here. Collaboration, inspiration, progress. Happy, healthy, insightful energy. 07°Ge19' D 19°Le19' D7:53pm EDT: Mars joins Uranus, a once-in-two-years aspect. Expansive, hopeful, positive. This is a no, but thanks. M is feeling emotionally supported overall, she is very clear about certain changes that need to happen. Anne Ortelee @AnneOrtelee. You suddenly see a way that all the pieces could be put together more beautifully and effectively. Seas are choppy, it's anybody's game. “11:10pm EDT: Moon in Pisces square Vesta in Gemini. Anne Ortelee @AnneOrtelee. It's a VERY assertive aspect. Opportunity for healing through a technical and specific understanding of how things didn't quite work out. The Goddess of Love is suddenly much less concerned about what's practical, much MORE concerned about living her truth. . This partnership has been fraying, and the Moon on a World Point is tired of pretending otherwise. But (sometimes, at least) you get what you need. 09°Cn20' D 09°Ta20' D”10:37pm EDT: Sun in Cancer square Eris in Aries. Eris is feeling the heat and she's ready to charge forth and make change. Expansive, inventive, creative energy. Posted on June 16, 2023 June 18, 2023 by Anne Ortelee. 18 Jul 2023 04:35:107:34pm EDT: Moon in Libra forms a contraparallel to Chiron in Aries, then opposes Eris in Ares. Anne Ortelee. It's time to take on your next big challenge. 1:23am EDT: Moon in Libra biquintile Uranus in Taurus. What are you trying to accomplish here? Write down concrete actionable steps to get there. These retrograde planets are looking at each other, resuming a conversation about how to balance the needs of self and other. How would you handle this conversation, if you weren't in a rush? 00°Vi34' D 00°Cn34' D2:04pm EDT: Moon in Aries semisextile Mercury in Taurus. He's a pickle today, answering to Mercury in a rock sign, acting out, because he is unable to express his feelings. Moments for immersing oneself in the dream, letting it wash over us in all of its true glory. Restake the trellis to make a larger plot. . Now that you're clear about the fact that you DO want this partnership to happen, what are some next steps you can take to help it form and flourish? 03°Cp02' D 03°Li02' D”“8:13pm EDT: Moon in Capricorn quincunx Vesta in Gemini. 8:48am EDT: Mercury in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus. Pay attention. (|We are ready for a new damn argument. as the universe's net forms below you. Invention is the mother of invention. While the original blueprint seemed perfect at the time, the reality is that it's not working under current conditions. More conversation right now makes it worse. ”12:21pm EDT: Moon in Libra semisquare Pallas Athena in Leo. Care and commitment and contentment energy. 12:11pm EDT: Moon in Pisces semisquare stationing Mercury in Taurus. Anne Ortelee @AnneOrtelee. I can't see them. “7:33am EDT: Moon in Pisces semisquare Pluto in Aquarius, preparing to trek back into Cap. That's okay. Celebrate your wants. Big public news that requires us to adjust our expectations. Will you be ready when the Moment of Truth comes?8:10am EDT: Moon in Leo semisextile Pallas Athena in Virgo. Prepare for both/and . Book a consultation on her website: anneortelee. The new 2-and-a-half-year lunar cycle is here! This fresh story begins, which will be tested in April 2024, bloom in January 2025, and wind down in October 2025. We're being asked to reconsider some of our most basic assumptions about partnership and family. Anne Ortelee on Twitter: "4:59am EDT: Sun in Taurus forms a sextile Neptune in Pisces, just before the Moon in Taurus forms a sextile to out-of-bounds Venus in Cancer. So you know what you want and you're not afraid to chase it. 25°Pi14' D 25°Ar14' D. Fluid flow of a fishy Mars! Swift changes in direction too! Swim!”11:32am EDT: Moon in Gemini quintile Pallas Athena in Leo. There's a key for every lock. 00°Ta48' D 00°Sc48' D. It's being offered. Protect the Feminine, in yourself and in the world around you. Justice is on the march, righting wrongs. Can you hold off on making this decision? Neither party is ready. The Moon's not working and you shouldn't be either. . 10:35am EDT: Moon in Libra opposite Eris in Aries. There's a passionate position yet a disconnect. THIS home is a place where you can rest AND a place from which to launch. 10:58am EDT: Moon in Aries quintile Pluto in Capricorn. How does it shape your worldview, going forward? 18°Sc52' D 18°Aq52' D”1:27pm EDT: Saturn stations at 7 degrees, 12 minutes Pisces, a World Point. Anne Ortelee @AnneOrtelee. 7:39am EDT: Mars enters Virgo. Transformation, obsession, death-and-rebirth. Unexpected news or changes or connections. ”“6:17pm EDT: Moon in Capricorn square Ceres in Libra. Creativity, insight, helpful connections. Dear friends, There’s a New Moon tomorrow and a New Moon Manifestation Circle webinar tonight! The Moon in Cancer is of course emotional, and running out-of-bounds makes her extra emotional: sensitive, tender, perceptive, empathic, and volatile. 09°Le34' D 09°Ge34' D“4:20am EDT: Moon in Sagittarius semisquare Jupiter in Taurus. 03°Le45' D 03°Vi45' D17 Jul 2023 04:54:0612:30am EDT: Moon in Taurus contraparallel Saturn in Pisces. Communication is fraught, but it's helpful. Earlier, the Moon asked for an adjustment but it was kind of muddy. “5:53am EDT: Moon in Pisces quintiles Vesta in Gemini and trines Mercury in Cancer. Our mental ideas and images and internal narratives will shift every two-and-a-half-days, with the changing of the Moon. On Monday, July 17 at 2:31 PM Eastern, she’ll meet up with the Sun at 24. This is the first of three conjunctions this year, wrapping up the cycle of December 2007/January 2008 and starting a new one. 08°Ge56' D. 1:12am EDT: Moon in Pisces semisextile Pluto in Aquarius. Now, Mercury is stepping forth to help her to articulate her needs. The God of Karma, Time, and Structure is turning on his heel, heading backwards till November, retracing the patch of sky he's traversed since March. “2:05am EDT: Moon in Pisces contraparallel Ceres in Libra. @AnneOrtelee. 11°Cp55' D. You have SUCH an opportunity here to restructure your world and make it run more smoothly in the future. Particularly tied to water, emotions. 12°Le36' D 27°Pi36' R6:09pm EDT: Out-of-bounds Moon in Sagittarius biquintile Jupiter in Taurus, then sesquiquadrate Jupiter in Taurus. Opportunity to renegotiate an old power dynamic. Harmonious, optimistic, hopeful energy. Closing square of psychological integration. 04°Ge51' D 04°Le51' D12:58am EDT: Mercury in Leo square the Nodes. What could you do with just a little bit more elbow-room? Make yourself some space to shine. 20°Pi51' D 05°Ta51' R“9:20pm EDT: Moon in Capricorn biquintile to Mercury in Gemini and trine Pallas Athena. 6:24am EST: Mercury in Sagittarius biquintile Eris in Aries. Give it some time to sink in before you turn towards plan B. Anne Ortelee @AnneOrtelee. 8:23pm EDT: Mercury enters Cancer. “6:51pm EDT: Moon in Aquarius sesquiquadrate Pallas Athena in Gemini. 12:13am EDT: Moon in Aries biquintile Mars in Leo. 3:05pm EDT: Moon in Gemini sesquiquadrate Sun in Cancer. “3:10am EDT: Mercury in Cancer sextile Jupiter in Taurus. and 21°Le40' D 27°Pi40' D1:52am EDT: Moon in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus. Go ahead and talk to her. It's a great aspects for catching mistakes, correcting impressions. Expansion, encouragement, safety, and a pause to take a breath. You may not like what you hear, but it's important for you to know. You need a vision! Once you know what you're working towards, you're happy. Can you do both? You can have it all, creatively or consecutively. Astrologer Anne Ortelee and Alchemist JeMaja Selas combine their approaches to blend the physical and metaphysical parts of the world. See new Tweets. See new Tweets. 14°Pi27' D 29°Cp27' R”“5:48am EDT: Moon in Pisces quintile Uranus in Taurus. Dear friends, There’s a New Moon this weekend, coming overnight on Saturday or in the wee hours of Sunday morning depending where you stand. If you don't like the way that they're doing it, it might be worthwhile just to do it yourself. 12:54am EDT: Moon in Capricorn semisquare Venus in Leo.